What were once a novelty, electric-powered vehicles are now becoming a reality as we move towards a cleaner, more planet-friendly way of living. In fact, ten years ago, just 120,000 electric cars were sold worldwide, in 2021 that is the figure being sold and driving off parking lots each week.
As we all aim to reduce our carbon emissions and adopt greener habits, our team is working tirelessly to get even more electric vehicles on the road using our innovative battery technology that not only offers a safer alternative but is guaranteed to be non-flammable.

The Problem with Electric Vehicles
As the shift towards electric vehicles accelerates, so does the need for low electricity rates, a strong charging infrastructure and the development of high-capacity and super-safe non-flammable battery packs. We’re creatures of habit and making sure that the move to electric vehicles is as seamless as possible is vital.

Our Solution
Our innovative, American-made, graphene-enhanced batteries will give your electric car an extended range, longer battery life and increased safety so you can hit the road in no time (or next to no time!). Our team has developed a battery that not only has these performance capabilities but is non-flammable, making it safer for you and your fellow road users.
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